“We use the old, traditional medical systems”

Reto Flury - Director EGK Health Insurance Fund - Isabelle Bietenholz-Lieger, Founder Jivita
Jivita therapy centre combines conventional and complementary medicine to treat patients holistically.

Jivita founder Isabelle Bietenholz-Lieger talks in this interview about health, coordinated treatment of illnesses and her cooperation with EGK.

Ms Bietenholz-Lieger, you are an author, podcaster, founder of JIVITA and mother of two children. What drives you?

We know that 80 per cent of health costs stem from chronic illnesses and 70 per cent of these illnesses could be avoided by having a healthy lifestyle. We need a paradigm shift in healthcare. We want to drive that change and create and promote offers that help us to move away from our current sickcare system – towards a genuine healthcare system.

What is a healthy lifestyle?

Nutrition and movement account for 40 per cent of our health and have a major influence on our mental state and quality of sleep. Routine plays a big part in everyday life and is a wonderful source of support for a healthy life. I am a great believer in routine.

How does JIVITA approach treatment?

JIVITA follows an integrative medical approach. We combine conventional and complementary medicine. We do that by using the old, traditional medical systems of European naturopathy and eastern naturopathy – Ayurveda. At JIVITA, we provide an individual, holistic health or therapy plan that usually lasts four to twelve weeks.

What does such a plan involve?

We start with a detailed conversation about integrative medicine with one of our doctors. It lasts between one and one-and-a-half hours and covers the current health situation, individual life situation and the environment as well as available resources such as time or financial options. Afterwards, the doctor draws up a personal therapy plan based on five pillars: nutrition, mental therapy, manual therapy, phytotherapy and movement. Anyone can undergo consultation and therapy at JIVITA, either digitally and/or here in the centre. That way we can guarantee the quality that health insurers demand and provide support through a team of therapists.

Why and with what expectations do patients come to you?

People come for different reasons: from chronic stress to sleep disorders, cancer, obesity, menopause, migraines, wanting children, pregnancy and more besides. They are looking for a place to show them solutions and work with them to alleviate symptoms through complementary medicine. At the same time, we often see people who want to find what is causing their illnesses so they can overcome them in a sustainable way.

What are the advantages of this integrated approach to illnesses?

Managed care also means managed cost. Patients are managed and supported by a doctor, whereby all the therapeutic measures are linked with an outcome defined in the initial interview. The team meets regularly and can thus make the necessary changes quickly. This coordinated process pays off faster, ultimately resulting in lower costs.

Are the therapies provided by JIVITA recognised by all health insurers?

Yes, all our therapists are EMR-accredited (Empirical Medicine Register) and our offers are covered by health insurers through the supplementary insurance, depending on the insurance model. Yogatherapy and meditation are excluded.

What was the nicest compliment you have received from a patient?

Two come to mind: one from a man of around 50 and one from a young woman. The man needed to lose weight as it was causing him problems. Following successful therapeutic treatment and having lost 8 kilograms, he said: “JIVITA has given me my life back.” The young lady was chronically overburdened and wanted a child. She also underwent a health plan and called a week ago to cancel her regular massage - she was pregnant.

You and EGK are committed to digitalisation. What do you aim to achieve through that?

We would like to exploit it to have access to everyone irrespective of time or place, so they can deal with their issues sustainably. We also want to enable them to take responsibility for their own health. We do that through a digital platform we are currently working on. We are developing our first programmes and will launch them this year.

What does health mean to you?

Health is more than not being ill or infirm, it’s about having complete physical, mental, emotional and social well-being. Holistic well-being matters to me. Sure, it doesn’t always happen. But I have developed the awareness necessary to quickly realise when things are out of sync and do my utmost to restore balance. I find Ayurveda a great help in that regard.

What do you personally do for your health?

I meditate daily, swim my kilometre five times a week and love going to walk with our dog in the woods. Cooking is not my calling but my passion. We cook a hot meal together every evening and I also cook lunch early in the morning for me and my daughter, as I prefer it to the canteen fare.

What do you stress to people who want to do something for their health?

We all have our personality and a different daily routine. Everyone has to find their own way to structure their routine, so they can maintain a balance. It’s good to embrace change. The first challenge is to act and the second one is to stick at it. A plan and support are often the key and I strongly recommend that to anyone before embarking on a lifestyle change.

Quote from Reto Flury

“As a health insurer, we consider it very important to help our customers achieve a healthy lifestyle. I’m pleased we can count on the support of JIVITA for that.”

Reto Flury, Director of EGK-Gesundheitskasse

Quote from Isabelle Bietenholz-Lieger

“At JIVITA, we provide an individual, holistic health or therapy plan that usually lasts four to twelve weeks.”

Isabelle Bietenholz-Lieger, founder and co-manager of Jivita AG. Complementary therapist OdA KT, Ayurveda method, qualified nutritional advisor, marketing manager