How can I optimise my premiums?
You have different options for optimising the premiums for your basic and supplementary insurance and thus saving money.
Basic insurance
Choose your deductible between CHF 300 and CHF 2,500 (adults) or between CHF 0 and CHF 500 (children) and determine the total annual amount up to which you pay for your own medical costs.
The higher your chosen deductible, the lower the basic insurance premium. You can easily change your deductible via the “myEGK” app. Download now for free from Apple Store or Google Play Store
With the EGK-TelCare telemedical model or EGK-Care family doctor insurance, you are not only choosing a competent point of contact for health issues. You also benefit from a discount on your insurance premium, as centrally coordinating your treatments saves costs. Find out more here.
If you work for an employer for at least eight hours per week, you are insured against non-occupational accidents with the employer and can exclude accident cover from your basic insurance. This will reduce your premium.
The third child and each additional child under the age of 18 receive a discount on the child premium for basic insurance. This is subject to at least two other minors living in the same household having basic insurance under the same policy.
If you do military service for more than 60 consecutive days, you can suspend your basic insurance. The insurance cover is paused for the duration of the service and you do not pay a premium.
What do you do when military service is imminent? The employees of your agency will be happy to answer your questions.
If you live on modest financial means, you will receive a financial contribution towards your compulsory health insurance premium. You can also find out more about the premium reduction in your canton of residence here.
Supplementary insurance
You can choose an excess for your EGK-SUN supplementary insurance and thus save on premiums.
Possible excesses for EGK-SUN-1, EGK-SUN-2, EGK-SUN-3:
- CHF 1,000
- CHF 2,000
- CHF 5,000
In the event of a hospital stay over the turn of the year, the excess is only payable once.
Our employees at the agencies will be happy to advise you.
We offer you a family discount of 10% on EGK-SUN supplementary insurance policies:
- at least one parent and one child/youth (up to the age of 25)
- living in the same household
- receive a premium invoice together
If you are planning a stay abroad of more than 180 days up to 36 months, you can suspend your EGK-SUN supplementary insurance.
A suspension fee is charged during the suspension. However, there is no entitlement to benefits. Upon your return to Switzerland, your insurance policy will be activated without a health declaration, provided that there are no payment arrears.

Further cost-saving opportunities
Pay your premium with an annual invoice and we will grant you a 1% discount on the invoice amount. With a half-yearly statement, you benefit from 0.5%.
We must receive your notification of any change of payment schedule by 31 May or 30 November by 5 p.m.
Here you will find your contact options.
Medical expenses
All illness and accident costs that were invoiced to you in the tax year and were not covered by the health insurer or another party may be declared in your tax return. The amount of the deduction varies depending on the canton and taxable income.
Deductible, excess and premiums
These are also tax deductible.
If you have any questions about optimising your premiums, please contact your agency.