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Pair of eyes behind medicinal plants


EGK-Gesundheitskasse consists of the EGK-Gesundheitskasse foundation with its affiliated joint-stock companies: EGK Grundversicherungen AG (insurance provider of compulsory health insurance in accordance with the Swiss Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG), EGK Privatversicherungen AG (provider of supplementary insurance in accordance with the Swiss Federal Insurance Policies Act (VVG) as well as EGK Services AG. EGK Services AG provides services and administrative tasks for the other  EGK companies and is an employer for all EGK employees.


Board of Trustees

Martin Hürlimann, Olivera Filipovic, Dr. Rolf Nebel, Patrik Heierli, Nadia Tarolli Schmidt, Dr. Klemens Binswanger (from left to right)


Patrick Tanner, Carolina Pirelli, Kurt Bührer, Beat Grütter, Andrea Grolimund, Dr. Reto Flury (from left to right) Patrick Tanner, Carolina Pirelli, Kurt Bührer, Beat Grütter, Andrea Grolimund, Dr. Reto Flury, Director (from left to right)
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